
The e-book is a book in digital format that can only be read through an electronic device such as a computer, smartphone, tablet or readers created specifically for e-books, called e-Book Readers (such as Kindle by Amazon).

E-books can be purchased online from the digital catalogs of publishing houses or retailers, or on special stores such as Google Editions, IBS or iTunes.

An e-book can have different formats, but the most common are PDF and ePub, the latter being particularly used thanks to the automatic re-pagination with which the electronic book adapts to the size of the screen.

The e-book is flexible and generally cheaper than its paper counterpart due to the cutting of production costs (it does not require the use of paper and a single copy can be sold to millions of buyers).

Among the advantages of the e-book we find the convenience of carrying it and leafing through it, the possibility of conveying multimedia content in addition to the text and that of being contained in an e-reader together with hundreds of other volumes, without taking up space in the home.

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