
Internet is, in the definition given by the Garzanti dictionary, the "telematic system that connects hundreds of millions of computers all over the world in a single network, through which it is possible, in real time, to exchange messages, acquire information, receive and send files ".

By connecting to the Internet with devices such as computer, tablets, smartphones, consoles, you can connect to pages, files, music, videos, downloads and anything that is stored on a server connected to the Internet.

To surf the Web you use a browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Explorer ...) and you need network coverage which can be 3G, 4G, Fiber, Wi-Fi, Adsl . The Internet sites are all provided with an address characterized by the initials www ("World Wide Web").

Internet, ultimi articoli su International

Internet at home: 5 tips to save data!

4 October 2022 - 12:42

Internet at home: 5 tips to save data!

Saving money on the home Internet line is possible: to do so, simply compare the different offers that operators offer on the market. Here are some useful tips