Luxury sector

The luxury sector groups together all the companies and businesses that deal with high-cost goods. The sector includes companies that produce jewellery, companies that operate luxury cars and companies of large clothing brands.

The luxury sector also includes many companies that work with safe haven assets, such as gold, silver and diamonds. That is, all those materials that have a high cost not only for the finished product, but also for the raw material.

On many occasions these types of companies are a safe haven during times of greatest market turmoil. When investing in one of these companies, however, you will have to pay attention to the product it offers and the sentiment you have on the market at that moment.

Luxury sector, ultimi articoli su International

The 10 most expensive diamonds in the world

20 March 2025 - 13:33

The 10 most expensive diamonds in the world

The ranking of the 10 most expensive diamonds in the world valid for 2025: the list of rare and precious specimens with the highest value globally.