
The strike is a worker’s right, which provides for collective abstention from work, promoted by the unions that protect the interests of employees. The aim is to obtain, through the pressure of a service block, contractual advantages and better working conditions.

The types of strike are different, such as the general strike which is called by multiple sectors of a country and the proportions are on a national scale. Another type of strike is the white strike, which involves abstaining from work without notifying those who use the service.

The main purpose of the strike is to make managers understand the importance of the work carried out by the company’s employees or workers. One of the oldest known strikes was in ancient Egypt during the reign of Ramses III, when workers stopped building the tombs of the pharaohs to protest inhumane working conditions.

Aristophanes instead describes a particular strike in his comedy Lysistrata: the women on this occasion carry out a sexual strike, not giving themselves up to their husbands and trying to make them stop fighting the Peloponnesian War.
The aim since the dawn of civilization has always been the same: to show how much we need something and by leveraging this to try to obtain advantages.

Arriving in the modern era, one of the most important strikes of the 20th century, which was carried out by the 187 workers of the Ford factory to obtain equal pay.
The main plant of the well-known car factory was brought to its knees and production stopped.

The protest on this occasion resulted in incredible losses for the entire British economy; However, the 187 workers managed to reach their goal and take a big step forward for equal pay around the world.

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