
The term University refers to those educational bodies operating in the field of tertiary education, research and cultural activities.

All those who have obtained a high school diploma can enroll at the University. To date, the Italian University is structured in three different study cycles:

- * Three-year degree, 180 CFU (university formative credits): with which the title of doctor is obtained;
- * Specialized degree, 120 CFU: with which the title of Master’s degree is obtained;
- * Research doctorate or School of Specialization.

However, some degree courses are single-cycle master’s courses and can last either 5 years (300 CFU) or, as in the case of Medicine and Surgery, 6 years (360 CFU).

After having obtained the specialist or master’s degree, it is possible to further study by enrolling in a 1st or 2nd level master.

University, ultimi articoli su International