PC stands for Personal Computer and means any general purpose computer whose size, performance and purchase price make it suitable for the needs of the individual in daily use.

There are different types of PCs and the most popular are PC Desktop (desktop computer, example: iMac) and notebook (laptop, e.g. MacBook Pro and MacBook Air). On the other hand, the netbook, that is the ultra-thin ones characterized by a 9-11 "screen, are almost extinct.

The components of a PC are:

- * Central unit containing motherboard, memory and CPU, connectors, power supply, expansion peripherals and mass storage devices (hard disk, CD ...)

- * Monitor / Display

- * Input and output peripherals (mouse, mousepad, keyboard, serial interfaces, USB, loudspeakers etc ...

Tablet (such as the iPad, for example) are also considered PCs, but in this case we have a device characterized by a touch screen as the main source of input and a long battery durability, few ports and downloadable app. To improve usability you can connect a keyboard or mouse, or use a digital stylus.

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