Giorgia Meloni net worth: earnings and salary of Italy’s prime minister

25 September 2024 - 22:38

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Giorgia Meloni’s net worth and salaries: here’s how much Italy’s first female Prime Minister makes.

Giorgia Meloni net worth: earnings and salary of Italy's prime minister

What is Giorgia Meloni’s net worth? At 47 years old, Giorgia Meloni is one of the youngest and yet most experienced politicians in Europe.

After her success in the 2022 political elections, the leader of Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) made history by becoming the country’s first female Prime Minister.

Elected as an MP for the first time in 2006, she has never left Parliament since. In her first two years in Parliament, Meloni was the vice president of the Chamber and then held the position of Minister of Youth from 2008 to 2011.

President of Fratelli d’Italia since 2014, the year of its foundation, Giorgia Meloni can boast a very respectable resume: let’s see how large her net worth is, also taking a look at the tax returns presented by the prime minister in recent years.

Giorgia Meloni’s salary

Including the one that has just begun, Giorgia Meloni is now in her fifth legislature. Having entered Parliament for the first time within the ranks of the National Alliance, she then joined the People of Freedom and left in 2014, the year in which she founded Fratelli d’Italia.

Meloni has always been elected to the Lower Chamber. According to the Italian legislature, the salary of an MP is 11,703 euros (12,433 USD) per month. After taxes, they become 5,346.54 euros (5,680.14 USD) per month plus a daily allowance of 3,503.11 euros (3,721.69 USD) and a reimbursement for mandate expenses of 3,690 euros (3,920.24 USD).

Then, Italian MPs are also entitled to 1,200 euros per year (1,275 USD) in telephone reimbursements and between 3,323.70 and 3,995.10 euros (3,531.08 - 4,244.37 USD) every three months for transport. It should be underlined, however, that usually all members of parliament of Fratelli d’Italia pay part of their salary to the party’s coffers.

Regarding the salary of deputies and senators, one of the first proposals presented by FdI to the Chamber was to "link the compensation of parliamentarians to the performance of the Italian economy".

I would like the allowance to increase when unemployment decreases and decrease when unemployment increases” - declared Giorgia Meloni in 2016. “The principle is the same as in companies: if things go well there is a profit to distribute, whereas if things go badly there isn’t any."

Now that she has become the first female Prime Minister of Italy, Meloni would be entitled to around 80,000 euros (84,992 USD) a year for a salary of 6,700 euros (7,118 USD) a month, less than that of an MP: according to Il Fatto Quotidiano the leader of FdI renounced the allowance as head of government while maintaining that as a deputy.

Giorgia Meloni’s tax returns

In the name of transparency, the various tax returns of all deputies have been published for some time on the website of the Chamber of Deputies. Giorgia Meloni is no exception to this practice.

The last tax return presented was in 2023, related to fiscal year 2022. Therefore, it does not show Meloni’s whole salary as Prime Minister because she started her tenure only in October. Nevertheless, Meloni’s total income for 2022 was 293,531 euros (311,845 USD), a marked increase compared to previous years.

In the previous tax return, referring to the fiscal year 2023, Meloni’s total income was "only" 160,706 euros (170,733 USD): though again an increase of over 25,000 euros compared to previous years.

In 2020, the year of the pandemic, the overall income of the Fratelli d’Italia leader was 134,206 euros (142,580 USD).

The lowest Giorgia Meloni ever earned was in 2017 and 2018 when her yearly income amounted to 98,471 euro (104,615 USD). In 2018, Giorgia Meloni declared two real estate properties in Rome, a Mini Cooper SD, and two large party contributions of 15,000 and 20,000 euros.

When adding up all of Giorgia Meloni’s earnings from 2006 to today, it is possible to estimate a total net worth of 1.6 million euros (1.7 million USD).

Original article published on Italy 2023-11-02 11:27:00. Original title: Quanto guadagna Giorgia Meloni? Stipendio e reddito della presidente del Consiglio


# Italy

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