Investors need very safe places to store their cryptocurrencies, here are a couple of advices for your trade.

Having cryptocurrencies in your portfolio of investment is becoming an increasingly widespread custom, since their way of growing in value (but also decreasing) attracts the interest of many investors.
However, like all financial instruments, they are complex, and therefore require in-depth knowledge of the sector to be used in the appropriate manner. In fact, it is not enough to launch yourself on the first exchange of cryptocurrencies and buy them randomly to make profit; it is possible, albeit highly improbable.
For those who are really interested in betting on this asset class in a predominant way, it is essential to have a solid knowledge of the market: its history, its trend, the most influential factors and all the variables which make it notoriously unstable.
Not only that, for example, it is also necessary to know the laws in terms of compliance and the differences between the various financial instruments.
These skills are not impossible to acquire: degree courses, non-university training courses and online sources are all excellent sources from which to draw to obtain the knowledge you need.
Unfortunately, even today it is possible to come across courses or people who claim to be able to teach - without having any qualification to affirm it - the method to get rich quickly and without risk on this market.
This is highly unlikely, not to say impossible, it is therefore advisable to rely on people, organizations, or consultants with proven experience in the sector. Indeed, in the world of cryptocurrencies, there is no gain without risk, and it is necessary to learn it from the moment you decide to invest in this market.
A matter of priorities: investing in safety
What if a person has the right tools and knowledge to invest? In this case there is no time to waste, you can start, while respecting the order of the priorities.
In fact, if at least partial knowledge of the market is a conditio sine qua non to get started, when making the first investments in cryptocurrencies it is also necessary to equip oneself with a series of fundamental tools.
One of these is, for example, a place where to keep one’s cryptocurrencies.
Wallets are used a lot today, which are accessible through a very complex password.
However, there are also better solutions, which can represent a smart choice especially for those who own important quantities of these assets, such as companies that deal with storing cryptocurrencies for their customers, having particularly advanced security systems.
Unfortunately, in fact, it is not difficult today to recall cases of cryptocurrency theft against investors who were distracted or unaware of the capabilities of today’s hackers.
In the face of an increasingly globalized and digitized world, with all the risks and opportunities that this entails, adopting high-level protection solutions should become a prerogative of each investor.
CheckSig, fintech Made in Italy
Dedicated to those wishing to invest in the world of cryptocurrencies, CheckSig is a startup born in 2019 as a spin-off of the Digital Gold Institute think tank. The Italian fintech offers Bitcoin and crypto solutions for private and institutional investors with a series of innovative services at Italian and European level.
The company has understood the need of investors to protect their assets, and in particular Bitcoin, which is why it has made security its strong point.
CheckSig claims to be the only custodian Bitcoin in the world to provide proof of public reserve; boasts insurance coverage for the custody of invested assets, thanks to the collaboration with SATEC of the Generali Group and as a crypto operator it benefits from external and independent quality audits of system and organizational controls, thanks to the collaboration with Deloitte, which provided SOC certifications of type one and two.
Bitcoins safe
CheckSig offers numerous services to move in a complex ecosystem such as that of cryptocurrencies.
For private investors, it provides purchase and best execution services, with which the customer places an order for an asset, and the company makes the purchase at the best price.
It then offers a robust custody service, thanks to which it is possible not to fear for one’s assets, a tax report service, with which customers are helped in collecting documentation for the purposes of declaration of income and finally financial education courses, essential for orienting oneself in this world.
Services for institutional investors are also available, such as assistance for access to the markets, a custody service for funds, a advice service, and lastly B2B2C solutions, with which the company offers services to financial intermediaries who in turn offer them to the end customer using their brand.
In both cases, whether it is a private or institutional investor, a personalized assistance service is available via chat, email, telephone or in person.
As underlined by the Managing Partner Michele Mandelli, "CheckSig does not offer financial advisory services, it is in fact the customer who chooses which asset to buy autonomously, the company then accompanies them in the purchase and custody, but for doing so requires sound financial education”.
The company is now experiencing strong growth. In October 2020 it obtained a first class funding of €1.5 million and a €20 million post-money evaluation. It is now looking for new partners to support it in its growth, with venture capital or private equity investments, so as to accelerate the internationalization process.
According to what was stated by the Co-founder, CEO of the company, and former professor at the Milan Bicocca University Ferdinando Ametrano, "the company aims to raise 3 million euros for 2023 and the same for 2024”. In September 2022 it opened to the Swiss market as CheckSig Suisse, and hopes to expand further if it succeeds in attracting new capital.
Original article published on Italy 2022-09-29 09:28:24.
Original title: Investire in criptovalute: la sicurezza prima di tutto