Russel Crowe net worth: biography and assets of the Gladiator star

12 February 2024 - 19:00

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The net worth, assets, and biography of Russell Crowe, the Hollywood star who played in historic cults like Gladiator directed by Ridley Scott.

Russel Crowe net worth: biography and assets of the Gladiator star

What is Russel Crowe’s net worth? The New Zealand actor is one of the most popular stars in the world, making film history by playing the main character in cults like Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, and Cinderella Man.

The actor, who also recently discovered his Italian origins, received three nominations for the Best Actor Oscar, winning one for Gladiator.

So let’s take a look at Russell Crowe’s biography, also focusing on his net worth and earnings. The actor - and also musician - recently took part in the Italian music festival Sanremo together with his friend and colleague John Travolta.

The biography of Russell Crowe

Name: Russell Ira Crowe

Date of birth: 7 April 1964

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Family: of Welsh and Scottish origins, he has now discovered that he also has Italian ancestors, his maternal grandfather was a director

Private life: divorced Australian singer Danielle Spencer, the couple had two children

Work: actor and singer

Awards: Oscar for Best Actor for Gladiator, Golden Globe for Best Actor for A Beautiful Mind

Curiosity: in 2005 he was arrested in New York for hitting a hotel employee in the face with a telephone.

How much does Russell Crowe earn: his net worth

Russell Crowe began his career as an actor in Australia but achieved great success in Hollywood: during his career so far he has acted in over fifty films, now also trying his hand at music together with the Indoor Garden Party band.

He gained fame for his role as Massimo Decimo Meridio in the film Gladiator, but he also received great praise for his performances in A Beautiful Mind, Master & Commander, and Cindarella Man. Over the years, Crowe has also tried his hand as director and producer.

Thanks to this extraordinary career, Russell Crowe has a net worth of 120 million dollars, although some sources speak of a slightly lower bank account of just over 100 million dollars.

Original article published on Italy 2024-02-08 12:44:55. Original title: Quanto guadagna Russell Crowe? Biografia e patrimonio dell’attore ospite a Sanremo


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