The ranking of the most beautiful cities in the world in 2025

10 March 2025 - 13:55

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The analysis company Euromonitor has drawn up the ranking of the most beautiful cities in the world: in the top 10 of the places to absolutely visit there are also Rome and Milan.

The ranking of the most beautiful cities in the world in 2025

What are the most beautiful cities in the world? A question that sounds a lot like a charade given the subjectivity of the topic, with each of us judging the various places based on our own tastes and needs.

The analysis company Euromonitor has tried to give an answer to this complex question. For several years, it has drawn up a ranking of the most beautiful cities in the world, judging them based on six parameters: economic and business performance, tourism performance, health and safety, politics and tourist attractiveness, sustainability and tourism infrastructure.

Compared to the past, economic and political uncertainties seem to have affected the performance of cities, limited according to the analysis company by "labor shortages, geopolitical tensions and a slow economy".

However, the way of traveling and how the various tourist destinations are chosen would also change. “It is expected - explained Nadejda Popova, head of Euromonitor International - that less frequented destinations will increase in popularity as travellers seek hidden gems, off-season experiences and responsible tourism. Consumers will prioritise personalised and culturally enriching experiences ”.

After this necessary preamble, let’s see which are the most beautiful cities in the world, with this special ranking that sees two Italian cities in the top ten positions, with Europe appearing to dominate compared to other continents.

The ranking of the 10 most beautiful cities in the world

According to the ranking drawn up by Euromonitor based on the six parameters mentioned above, these would be the ten most beautiful cities in the world that you absolutely must visit.

  1. Paris
  2. Madrid
  3. Tokyo
  4. Rome
  5. Milan
  6. New York
  7. Amsterdam
  8. Sydney
  9. Singapore
  10. Barcelona

The most beautiful city in the world would be Paris, a classic among tourist destinations, with Madrid and Tokyo completing this special - and very honorable - podium.

Italy can certainly smile, however, since there is Rome in fourth place and Milan in fifth; however, it is difficult to imagine that two other cities such as Florence and Venice are outside of this top 10.

Broadening our gaze to the 100 most beautiful cities in the world, Europe leads the way with nine cities in the top 20 of the ranking, followed by Asia Pacific with six cities, two in North America, one in the Middle East and Africa and two in Australia.

If we look at international arrivals in terms of air traffic, only Paris is present in the top ten positions: in first place is Bangkok, followed by Istanbul and London. If Europe dominates when it comes to the most beautiful cities, the largest arrivals were concentrated not only in the Old Continent but especially in Asia.

Overall, international tourist spending totaled 1.9 trillion dollars in 2024. “In 2024 - reads the Euromonitor note -, global cities have increasingly exploited sporting and cultural events to increase tourism revenues. Infrastructure improvements and continuous marketing have attracted the attention of travelers, opening up further growth opportunities”.

It would be no coincidence that Paris, the city that hosted the Olympics last summer, is at the top of the list. Rome, on the other hand, will certainly exploit the 2025 Jubilee as a tourist and economic driver in the coming months.

Finally, the report also contains another interesting fact: short-term rentals recorded an 8% growth in value globally in 2024, almost exceeding the milestone of 1 trillion dollars. This is a topic that has been the subject of discussion for some time, with Florence recently deciding to put a real crackdown in place.

Original article published on Italy. Original title: La classifica delle città più belle del mondo, 2 italiane in top10


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