What is problem solving and why is it important in the workplace? Here’s everything you need to know about this skill and how to develop it.
work plays a very important role in our lives because it allows us to draw on the economic resources we need to pay for the various goods and services aimed at satisfying our daily needs. Finding a job, however, is not at all simple. First of all, you have to send your application with a CV and hope to be noticed by the company.
Once you have obtained positive feedback, you almost always have to go to an interview. A selection process that often turns out to be particularly long and that allows the employer to evaluate the characteristics of the candidate. Many, in fact, are the requirements taken into consideration, such as previous studies and possible experience in the sector. But not only that, among the most requested skills is problem solving. But what is it and why is it important in the workplace? Here is everything you need to know about it.
Problem solving, what is it? Meaning and definition
Looking at the various job advertisements, it is possible to notice that one of the most requested requirements is the problem solving ability. The latter falls into the category of the so-called soft skills, or the abilities that refer to the candidate’s personality and individual attitudes.
This expression indicates the ability of a subject to find solutions to problems, generally unforeseen or completely unexpected. In essence, it consists of a proactive attitude, oriented towards solutions, which allows one to face any type of eventuality in the best possible way.
A subject with problem solving, in fact, is able to carry out various activities. But not only that, he is particularly skilled at teamwork and above all he is able to quickly evaluate the pros and cons of the various solutions that could be used to solve a given problem.
Problem solving method and phases
Once a problem has been identified, the worker has the task of also finding an effective solution. All this by leveraging his own problem solving skills. Resolving a problem generally involves well-defined steps, such as the following.
- Once the problem has been identified, it is necessary to proceed with the relative analysis. In particular, it is necessary to identify the causes and factors at the origin of the problem itself. To this end, it may be useful to consult and collect data, analyze the processes and listen to one’s colleagues.
- Next, it is necessary to try to find countermeasures and evaluate the relative pros and cons. In particular, it is essential to measure the benefits and possible disadvantages. Other skills also play an important role in this phase, such as the ability to analyze, discuss, work in a team and define priorities.
- The next phase consists of creating an action plan, complete with objectives and strategies to adopt. But not only that, the roles and responsibilities of the various workers involved must also be well defined.
- Finally, you must implement the solutions and measure their effectiveness and degree of success.
Obviously, no one is infallible. It follows that you should not despair if sometimes your strategy does not work as hoped. Instead, it is good to question yourself and look for an alternative path. In any case, it will be an important path for your career, which you should treasure in view of any future problems in the workplace.
Practical examples of problem solving
There are various areas in which you are required to put your problem solving skills into practice. Likewise, there are many techniques used to solve a problem. Among the most famous and used strategies is written analysis. To put this method into practice, all you need is a piece of paper and a pen to write down the characteristics of a problem. To this end, it may be useful to answer certain questions, such as: "why is it considered a problem?", or "how many people does it involve?". Once you have a clear picture of the situation, you can proceed with identifying the solution.
Another practical example of problem solving is represented by role playing. This technique is particularly used in corporate groups and helps to foster a spirit of collaboration between the various components. In practice, this technique consists of staging a story that sees the various participants grappling with obstacles to overcome. Each person can solve the problem in the way they see fit. The final objective is to involve and motivate the various interested parties. But not only that, the latter can acquire new skills simply by listening to the solutions adopted by colleagues.
How to develop this skill?
For many people, problem solving turns out to be an innate ability. Others, however, manage to refine it over time. But how? Well, there is no universally valid strategy. Much, after all, depends on the context in which you work, on your willpower and also on your personal experiences. There are various ways you can use to refine this skill, such as trying to acquire greater knowledge in your sector, through training or specialization courses. Having a solid theoretical basis, in fact, can make it easier to solve a problem.
For the same reason, it can be useful to exercise your mind through role-playing games or reading books dedicated to the topic. In any case, the important thing is to never back down from new challenges, but rather try to face them. For example, you can propose yourself to carry out new projects or cover new roles. The key word to refine your problem solving ability is observation. Just observe how colleagues solve problems to draw inspiration and treasure them in the future.
The employer who must be able to identify, enhance and encourage the development of problem-solving skills of their workers also plays an important role. To this end, it can be useful to provide ad hoc training and above all to encourage teamwork. But not only that, it is important to provide constructive feedback and encourage the use of problem-solving strategies,
Why problem solving in the workplace is important
Technology continues to make great strides, bringing drastic and rapid changes in the most disparate sectors. In this area, problem solving plays an important role, as it helps to keep up with the times, taking into account the various innovations. Problem solving, after all, is a skill particularly in demand in all those sectors in which it is essential to quickly find a solution to problems. Just think of those who hold a managerial role or in any case find themselves managing a work team within the company.
How can we not mention the world of consulting, that is, a job that brings you into close contact with customers and, therefore, the need to find an immediate solution to any problems. Furthermore, considering the fragility of some people, this skill is particularly in demand in jobs in contact with the elderly and children. Problem solving, in fact, is now essential in every sector and level of work. All companies are looking for workers who possess this skill and who are therefore able to face and, above all, resolve any problems.
In this way, it is possible to benefit from greater operational efficiency, avoiding possible drops in productivity or damage to the company’s reputation. But not only that, people with problem solving skills have the ability to prevent and optimally manage possible risks, contributing to the safety of the company structure. If all this were not enough, individuals with this soft skill can easily tackle new tasks, proving to be an important resource for the development of the company.
Original article published on Money.it Italy. Original title: Cos’è il problem solving e perché è importante sul lavoro