
The Pension represents the remuneration paid to a person at the end of the working activity and following the submission of the specific application.

In Italy there are different types of pension such as:

The Italian pension system is mainly based on the public pension (first pillar pension), i.e. the pension paid by public social security bodies, and since 1993, with Legislative Decree 124/1993 modified with the Dini Reform of 1995, there has been the introduction of Pension funds (second pillar social security).

In Italy, pensions are calculated using three systems:

  • remunerative;
  • contributory;
  • mixed.

Read the guides for more information:
Retiring in 2016: requirements
Reversibility pension: what is due to the wife, children and other family members. Cases and calculations.
Public employee pension, news: rules, age and requirements. Practical guide

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