
Switzerland is a federal state in Central Europe, made up of 26 cantons. Its economy is small, but well developed. It is currently ranked 38th in the world by GDP and has an economy mainly concentrated on the services sector, in particular the financial ones. The highly developed service sector contributes 71% of GDP.

Official name Confoederatio Helvetica, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Confédération suisse, Swiss Confederation, Confederaziun svizra
Form of government Federal federal republic
President Ueli Maurer
Currency Swiss Franc

Swiss, ultimi articoli su International

These 4 countries pay you to move there

27 March 2024 - 15:00

These 4 countries pay you to move there

A small town in Switzerland gives away $60,000. In Chile, a startup program promises up to $100,000. Here are 4 countries willing to pay you to move there.

6 stocks with high potential in Switzerland

14 February 2024 - 15:00

6 stocks with high potential in Switzerland

The Swiss benchmark Swiss Performance Index has risen 0.85% since the beginning of the year, after making gains of 0.95% in the previous year.