Third World war

The third world war, always seen as an eventuality, is increasingly becoming a danger for the West. What is especially worrying is the growing discontent resulting from the economic crisis and the general popular discontent.
A conflict of this type is an eventuality that the mass media has been predicting since the end of the Cold War.

The struggle for supremacy between the two superpowers during the 19th century had given rise to this theory, which would have put the state of peace of the entire world at risk. The consequences foreseen for this type of conflict would have led to serious consequences for the human species, which would also have risked the collapse of society.

The theory predicted that, with the increase in conflicts between the Soviet Union and the United States, a new firefight would soon arise. However, with the end of the Cold War and the easing of relations, the theory was set aside.
Now, however, it once again becomes a possible scenario, given Russia’s movements and the internal problems within the governments of the old continent.

The expression "third world war" refers to any conflict that could arise between the various powers of the globe and lead to the use of nuclear weapons. The danger of a war of this size could, however, be averted thanks to the growing use of the means of communication.

The public opinion of the entire planet, after the advent of social networks, seems to be well informed on the various internal events of states. An arms race could therefore not be carried out in secret, given the powerful means of communication that currently exist.

However, that of third world war remains a theory, formulated during the Cold War period, and the wording could be applied to any firefight between multiple nations.

Third World war , ultimi articoli su International

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17 June 2024 - 15:00

What are Russian ships doing in Cuba?

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