Transport is the human activity that allows the transfer of things or people from one place to another using specialized means. The transport system includes:
- infrastructure: the fixed installations that make up the networks. These in turn are divided into “lines”, or the networks on which users travel (roads, railways, air routes), and “terminals”, where the journey begins and ends (airports, railway stations, ports).
- means of transport (cars, trains, planes);
- management activities (both public and private).
The transport network in Italy includes:
- 837,493 km of road network;
- 6,757 km of motorway network;
- 24,299 km of railway network;
- 98 airports;
- 156 ports.
These networks are managed by:
- Railways: Ferrovie dello Stato;
- Roads: Anas;
- Airports: Enav;
- Ports: Port Authority.