Those who use Twitter frequently should know that it may not be as secure as it used to be; the situation could worsen in the absence of interventions.

Those who frequently use Twitter should know about the recent changes that have affected the social network, which could even make it less secure. In addition to the numerous innovations introduced, in fact, there are many factors that suggest a probable decline in security quality, given the considerable amount of data that the platform has access to.
This renewal of the platform is the direct consequence of the new management of Elon Musk, which immediately took control of all management aspects, choosing to apply the personal strategy entrepreneurial without delay or hesitation of any kind, all aimed at improving the platform and its profits.
Among the measures that have caused the most discussion is the lightning dismissal of a large slice of employees, a collateral cause of various problems, in particular in relation to the protection of privacy and the control of fraud. Overall, the situation could lead to a decrease in security of the social network, just as it was feared by many users regarding the new blue check mechanism.
Will Twitter be less secure? Data protection and the risk of fraud
Austin Berglas, a recognized expert on cybersecurity, has expressed considerable concern about the situation that has arisen following the massive staff reduction, due to layoffs and resignations. In his professional opinion, this factor makes Twitter particularly vunerable, providing an attractive opportunity for those who intend to take advantage of it.
Berglas, who was cyber security officer at Fbi and now advises Bluevoyant, argues that any threats could have come from organized crime and scammers, but also by hostile foreign governments who could exploit the situation in their favor.
Ian Brown, a senior Twitter chief engineer, also spoke on the subject. Brown made his statements without any reticence, precisely with the intention of making them easily accessible, as well as understandable, to the public.
Brown’s fear is about the consequences of having an incomplete security team due to a lack of staff. In addition to the risks strictly connected to security, there is in fact the real danger of unexpected malfunctions and even loss of control of the accounts by users.
The opinion of the experts was also amply confirmed by the various analyzes underway on the Twitter platform. In this regard, Proofpoint, a company that deals with online fraud, has confirmed the danger. The analyzes have in fact reported a considerable increase in fraudulent users operating on Twitter.
Twitter and the protection of privacy
With a huge media hype, the situation did not go unnoticed even by the legislators and the Federal trade commission. The latter has in fact had a common agreement with the platform for some time, with the object of the guarantee of privacy protection.
Thus the platform is undergoing a substantial increase in legal controls, due to the high rate of personal data that the social network processes. In addition to the password and e-mail addresses of users, in fact, Twitter also stores internal data to e-mail platforms.
This problem is mainly due to the lack of end-to-end encryption, instead adopted by many similar platforms to protect user data. In any case, regardless of the underlying reasons, the problem acquires an incredible importance in this delicate moment.
However, the new blue check system has also generated the distrust of users. The latter, in fact, have accompanied the platform for a long time and have so far represented the proof of reliability par excellence. So, now that to acquire the blue ticks it is sufficient to pay a subscription, the user trust has failed, and they protested precisely through the creation of false accounts verified satirists.
Original article published on Italy 2022-11-13 17:52:37. Original title: Twitter non è più sicuro? Ecco cosa deve sapere chi lo usa con frequenza