Top business podcasts in 2024: mind set

James Hydzik


04/04/2024 - 12:45

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Business people the world over want to understand the mindset behind creating a top-notch business. Here, we look at some of the top podcasts for learning about mind power from those who have made the journey themselves.

Top business podcasts in 2024: mind set

Podcasts are more popular than ever. Statista forecasts that over 100 million listeners will tune in to a podcast in 2024. As of early 2023, almost half of the U.S. population had listened to a podcast in the thirty days prior to being polled. It’s a huge market, and so there are a lot of business-focused podcasts out there. The market is so huge that we have decided to look at market segments. For our article on business nuts-and-bolts podcasts, check it out here.

Podcasts focusing on the mindset it takes to be an entrepreneur and a CEO are extremely popular. In part, it is because a good podcast required very high quality content. The results can be veritable masterclasses in business and entrepreneurship. This especially holds true in 2024, when the COVID pandemic is largely behind us and is not longer a main topic of discussion. Let’s take a look at today’s best-known podcasts for cultivating a strong business mentality!

The Tim Ferriss Show
Tim Ferriss shot to fame with his book “The 4-Hour WorkWeek” in 2007. Even if he does not hold to its tenets any longer, the performance of human beings, especially those who have accomplished something in demanding fields. Because of this, his podcast, “The Tim Ferriss Show”, is a goldmine for those interested in maximising their own performance. By talking with stars from diverse worlds such as chess, professional sports, and investing, he uncovers their tactics, tools, and tricks, and invites listeners to apply these devices themselves.

Entrepreneurs on Fire
Tim Ferriss again, but with someone else putting him under the microscope. And not only Tim, but Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, and Gary Vaynerchuk. That some is John Lee Dumas, whose “Entrepreneurs on Fire” podcast has been the root of an empire founded to make Dumas a person of value. With 4,171 episodes and 156,074,37 total listens (and counting!), Dumas makes a very serious case that he is succeeding. Check it out to hear how entrepreneurs made it and the mind set it took.

The BizChix Podcast
Natalie Eckdahl’s “BizChix Podcast” focuses on women entrepreneurs. It provides practical tips, guidance, and strategies to help women build successful businesses, and while this may sound like a nuts-and-bolts effort, the mentality that a woman needs to thrive in business sets this podcast apart. Eckdahl runs BizChix Inc., which besides the podcast has group-coaching programs and other resources for female entrepreneurs. Men and women in service industries trying to grow a business will appreciate her emphasis in that direction as well.

Business Accelerator
Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller co-host the “Business Accelerator” podcast. Their main point is to show how to achieve sustained success through a combination of solid contemporary research and ageless wisdom. It may sound like a nuts-and-bolts podcast and from a personal productivity and team leadership perspective this can be correct, but there is a heavy emphasis personal development, self-leadership, and influence.

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