Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, born in Leningrad on October 7, 1952, is a Russian politician, ex-military and former secret agent. Since 7 May 2012 he is the President of the Russian Federation.

He was Prime Minister of the Russian Federation from 8 August 1999 to 7 May 2000, appointed by Boris Yeltsin. He served as Head of State after Yeltsin’s resignation, from 31 December 1999, and then was elected President of the Russian Federation from 2000, reconfirmed in office in the elections of 14 March 2004. Unable to a third term due to the dictation of the Russian Constitution, favored the victory of his dauphin Dmitry Medvedev, who re-appointed him Prime Minister on the day of his inauguration, May 7, 2008.

On May 27, 2008, the President of the Belarusian Republic appointed him Prime Minister of the Russia-Belarus Union. On 4 March 2012 he was elected President of the Russian Federation for the third time, succeeding Dmitry Medvedev, whose term expired on 7 May 2012.

In the elections of 18 March 2018 he was elected president of Russia for the fourth time.

Vladimir Putin, ultimi articoli su Money.it International

Who is winning the Ukraine war?

Lorenzo Bagnato

8 November 2023 - 13:00

Who is winning the Ukraine war?

In the most devastating war on the European continent since 1945, there are many losers and, perhaps, only one winner.