10 ways to make money on YouTube


22 July 2024 - 15:00

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If you are wondering how to monetize with YouTube, here are the 10 most effective ways.

10 ways to make money on YouTube

Making money with YouTube is not difficult at all, at least on paper. While it may appear easy to monetize your content, in reality, creating engaging videos for the audience is quite challenging.

However, there are tens of thousands of content creators who, thanks to a good mix of factors, succeed in their goal. Although this is a path that does not always rely on the user’s commitment, it can still lead to great satisfaction.

The amounts that can be earned thanks to the popular site can lead to exorbitant profits. Just think of how much the top 10 YouTubers earn, who can be an excellent example for everyone.

Earn by becoming a Youtube partner

One of the most well-known methods of all is to earn money thanks to the YouTube partnership. To become an effective partner of the platform, certain requirements must be met, ranging from the number of members to other parameters.

The primary indication is to be acknowledged by authorities on the site. It doesn’t matter what the niche is, the important thing is that there is compliance with the imposed numerical standards.

The tools made available to partners to earn money are many, from advertisements to real "branded content" that can be developed alongside the companies targeted with the videos in question.

Although the one just described is also one of the most traditional methods, very interesting results can still be achieved. Below, here are the requirements to keep in mind:

  • have 500 members;
  • have published 3 videos in the last 90 days;
  • 3,000 views in the last 12 months;
  • approximately 3 million views of the shorts in the last 90 days.

By complying with what has just been reported, you will be able to officially become an integral part of the partnership offered by Youtube, with all the resulting advantages. But what are the costs and benefits of all this?

  • Estimated earnings: from 25 cents to $4 for every 1,000 views.
  • Timing: varies based on the popularity of the channel.

Sell branded products or gadgets

Over time, the searches that users carry out on the web have changed. According to the latest Google updates, brands will play an even more important role in the public’s purchasing (and non-purchasing) desire.
Being present as a brand and retaining the users who follow the content published by the channels is therefore the main mission of every content creator. Besides being, obviously, an excellent earning opportunity.

Selling memorable, original, and identifying gadgets that feature your brand logo can increase not only public loyalty but also your monetary income.

Mugs, t-shirts, sweatshirts and caps are everyday objects that can always be useful. Therefore, you will not have any problem selling them, if these gadgets are contextualized within your strategy.

Otherwise, the sales attempt will not be received correctly and there will be a real risk of flop. Even in this case, very interesting margins can therefore be had.

  • Necessary requirements: 1,000 members or more.
  • Estimated earnings: approximately $200-300 more per month (gross).
  • Timing: depends on the seasonality of the product, if any.

Collaborate with other brands

Another method of earning that could prove within reach concerns that of collaborations with brands. More and more companies are using YouTube in their multi-channel strategies, thus making use of the help of numerous creators through influencer marketing.

If you make videos on a certain topic, preferably a niche one, if your authority is recognized, the brands themselves will step forward. Therefore without needing a previous commercial contact.

A channel that deals with camping equipment with around 5,000 subscribers can obtain very interesting collaborations, given that the one taken as an example is a thriving sector and "prone" to the most modern advertising channels.

Some websites allow you to find companies willing to produce content targeted to their audience, thus creating a connection bridge between the creators and the companies in question. However, this is a mechanism that is mostly valid for companies and particularly popular abroad.

The earnings in question are not related only to views, and can therefore be very high.

  • Necessary requirements: depend on the niche.
  • Estimated earnings: approximately $100-200 per video content (gross).
  • Timing: immediate or dictated by the collaboration contract.

Earn with subscriptions

Another factor that positively influences a content creator is subscriptions. Usually, those who subscribe to a YouTube channel can receive exclusive content that non-subscribers obviously cannot view.

To unlock subscriptions, requirements must also be met in this case, and although they may seem stringent, in reality, they can be absolutely worth it.

Suffice it to say that some Premium subscriptions allow you to earn up to $10 per member. This means that with a subscriber base of just 500 subscribers, you can earn $500, a very interesting figure.

Subscribers can be offered unpublished content, live content, and even interactions with the person who creates and produces the videos, to break down all those barriers that inevitably often separate fans from creators.

  • Necessary requirements: 1,000 members or more.
  • Monthly earnings estimates: depend on subscribed users.
  • Timing: monthly, considering the usual frequency of renewals.

Make money through affiliates

Previously we have already talked several times about affiliate marketing and all its advantages. Although it is a method of earning that is much better suited to the main social platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, it can also be useful here.

Those who have numerous members or in any case few but loyal members can leverage this methodology to increase their earnings. Especially recently it has become common practice to include references to a product or service in your videos.

Everything is usually accompanied by a link in the description, which, as is often stated, earns the creator a small percentage in the event of a purchase. The form of purchase is facilitated by a coupon.

Those who operate within a particular niche, where users are usually willing to spend, can very well take advantage of this truly effective strategic asset.

  • Necessary requirements: none in particular.
  • Estimated monthly earnings: from $100 and up.
  • Timing: depends on users’ purchase.

Create paid online courses

Much of the training used today is predominantly online, and this occurs both free and for a fee. The convenience of having any type of information practically immediately is priceless.

There is, obviously, a lot of competition, but there are also many opportunities to be seized.

One of these could coincide with earning on YouTube. If you are particularly knowledgeable in a topic, what better opportunity to exploit your channel and convert it into an e-learning platform?

Particularly interested users can be taken from the platform and taken to a native platform that allows you to hold online lessons, to keep interest high and at the same time offer a useful service to your audience.

  • Necessary requirements: none in particular.
  • Estimated earnings: up to $1,000 per lesson package.
  • Timing: monthly, if the formula is a subscription.

Offer free value

How many times, especially on platforms like LinkedIn, have you read the expression "giving free value"? Although it may often seem like a decoy, in reality, this school of thought has its own merits.

To transform your users into paying customers, you cannot immediately move to the sales phase. You will need to give them free content to use, both to build loyalty and to show them your experience in this regard.

Videos that talk about a certain topic can be an excellent starter before moving on to a hypothetical more in-depth consultancy phase. An accountant who shows how to pay an F24 can attract numerous interesting clients, as the situation described is very common.

  • Necessary requirements: none.
  • Estimated earnings: depend on the service.
  • Timing: potentially immediate.

These days, virality is a critically important concept. The more entertaining, original and to some extent constructive your video is, the more likely it will be that Youtube will show it to the general public.

If a video from your channel was particularly useful and consequently attracted quite a few views, a solution to further monetize with that content is to sell its usage license.

Brands, radio, or television stations could spend a lot of money just to make that video. Obviously citing the author in the credits, but being able to use it freely in all channels.

This is a strategy that is not particularly popular but which for this very reason could prove highly profitable.

  • Necessary requirements: videos with at least 1 million views
  • Estimated earnings: from $300 and above per video.
  • Timing: immediate.

Original article published on Money.it Italy 2024-07-18 15:27:38. Original title: Come guadagnare con Youtube: 10 strategie per monetizzare


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