The ranking of the richest Italian politicians according to the tax returns published by deputies, senators and members of the government: here are the richest according to the latest data.

Who are the richest politicians in Italy? Money is always a hot topic when it comes to our ruling class, often referred to as the "caste" by virtue of the privileges it supposedly benefits from.
In this regard, the latest controversy concerns the salary of technical ministers which, thanks to an amendment to the budget law, has established a form of increase for members of the government who are not parliamentarians.
As is known, in the name of transparency, every year deputies, senators, members of the government and party leaders are required to publish their tax returns on the appropriate institutional websites.
If in the past for years it was Silvio Berlusconi who dominated this special ranking unchallenged, after all we are talking about an entrepreneur who was among the richest people in Italy, now reading the names of the Scrooges of our Parliament it would certainly seem that there is no lack of surprises.
Let’s see in detail the ranking of the richest politicians in Italy, a special ranking drawn up based on the latest published tax returns. will update the ranking of the richest Italian politicians as the tax returns are published, also for 2025. |
The ranking of the richest politicians in Italy
Taking into consideration only the leaders and main party representatives in Italy in addition to the current members of the Meloni government, this is the ranking of the richest politicians in Italy based on their overall income reported in their tax returns.
- Antonio Angelucci (Lega) - 3,224,400 euros*
- Matteo Renzi (Italia Viva) - 2,339,469 euros
- Claudio Lotito (Forza Italia) - 1,191,020 euros
- Giorgia Meloni (Fdi) - 459,460 euros
- Ignazio La Russa (FdI) - 360,986 euros
- Carlo Nordio (independent) - 260,887 euros
- Maurizio Gasparri (Forza Italia) - 224,411 euros
- Alessandro Giuli (Independent) - 203,170 euros
- Giuseppe Valditara (Independent) - 196,604 euros
- Alfredo Mantovano (Independent) - 180,895 euros
- Maria Elisabetta Aliberti Casellati (Forza Italia) - 169,011 euros
- Andrea Abodi (independent) - 157,563 euros*
- Daniela Santanchè (FdI) - 145,799 euros
- Pier Ferdinando Casini (Centrists for Europe)- 141,321 euros
- Gilberto Pichetto Fratin (Forza Italia) - 138,103 euros
- Orazio Schillaci (independent)- 105,215 euros
- Guido Crosetto (FdI) - 101,647 euros
- Roberto Calderoli (Lega) - 108,722 euros
- Adolfo Urso (FdI)- 103,366 euros
- Anna Maria Bernini (Forza Italia)- 118,139 euros
- Mara Carfagna (Noi Moderati) - 102,192 euros
- Francesco Lollobrigida (FdI) - 108,459 euro
- Luca Ciriani (FdI) - 100,401 euros
- Alessandra Locatelli (Lega) - 99,780 euros
- Matteo Salvini (Lega) - 99,699 euros
- Giancarlo Giorgetti (Lega) - 99,623 euros
- Paolo Zangrillo (Forza Italia) - 99,052 euros*
- Nicola Fratoianni (Green-Left Alliance) - 98,979 euros
- Maria Elena Boschi (Italia Viva) - 98,471 euros
- Matteo Piantedosi (independent) - 96,635 euros
- Maria Elvira Calderone (independent) - 95,260 euros
- Elly Schlein (Pd) - 94,725 euros
- Maurizio Lupi (Noi Moderati) - 86,913 euros
- Carlo Calenda (Azione) - 85,292 euros
- Angelo Bonelli (Verdi-Siistra Alliance) - 81,958 euros
- Nello Musumeci (FdI)- 81,793 euros
- Eugenia Maria Roccella (FdI) - 70,896 euros
- Antonio Tajani (Forza Italia) - 54,920 euros*
- Raffaele Fitto (FdI) - 30,038 euros*
- Giuseppe Conte (M5s) - 24,359 euros
The data refers to the overall income of the 2024 tax return which refers to 2023 as the tax period
*The data refers to the 2023 tax return
**Income from work. The overall income is not public
At the top of the list of the richest politicians in the Italian panorama is Antonio Angelucci - king of Roman clinics and publisher - followed by Matteo Renzi; among the other big names of the parties and members of the government, here is Claudio Lotito to complete this special podium.
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni made a significant leap forward in her latest tax return, most likely due to the royalties from her book.
Still with regard to the executive, it should be remembered that following a reform wanted by the then Letta government, a parliamentarian who becomes a minister no longer receives a double salary, but only keeps that of a deputy or senator. The technical ministers instead receive a total salary of 9,203.54 euros per month.
Looking at the tax returns of the technical ministers, these are much lower than when they were carrying out their respective professions, which is why it was decided to increase their allowances.
Original article published on Italy 2024-12-30 15:34:04. Original title: Chi sono i politici più ricchi in Italia? La classifica dei redditi di leader, ministri e parlamentari