Gli articoli di su International
How to update Android
30 July 2022 - 15:05

Complete guide on how to update Android: Here are all the ways to download the latest update of Google’s operating system.
The American antitrust against Meta: it wants to monopolize the metaverse
28 July 2022 - 18:12

The Federal Trade Commission accused Meta of wanting to monopolize the virtual reality sector after the company said it wanted to acquire Within, a fitness app.
Draghi today in the Senate: "Italy does not need a facade trust". LIVE video and news
20 July 2022 - 10:34

Mario Draghi spoke today in the Senate before the vote of confidence: the live video and all the news in real time of the decisive day for this government crisis.
Nuclear war and chemical weapons: why the US fears Putin’s actions
18 March 2022 - 11:58

The United States have raised the alarm of a possible nuclear war in Ukraine, also highlighting the risk of the use of chemical and biological weapons by Moscow. Should we really be afraid of Vladimir Putin?
Esterometer, abolition postponed: in the Fiscal Decree the extension to 1 July 2022
2 December 2021 - 16:42

Esterometer, abolition postponed: the farewell to the communication of cross-border transactions will have to wait until 1 July 2022.
Turkey increasingly in chaos: change of the finance minister
2 December 2021 - 15:18

We are talking about Turkey, now in financial chaos: after the intervention of the central bank to calm the collapse of the lira, there was a change in the Ministry of Finance. The details.
State aid, self-certification is needed: the instructions in the MEF decree
18 November 2021 - 16:22

The first instructions relating to self-certification for State Aid and the limits to be respected are established in the draft of the MEF decree.
China effect on Alibaba: stock thump, disappointing accounts
18 November 2021 - 15:23

Alibaba’s quarterly report disappointed expectations, highlighting how China’s economic uncertainty and tight regulations on tech giants are leaving their mark.
5 Regions beyond the threshold of red zone infections: the prediction of epidemiologists
15 November 2021 - 15:29

The Italian Association of Epidemiology raises the alarm for the increase in infections: in two weeks, as many as five Regions could exceed the threshold of 250 weekly cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.
Forex Guide: Lesson 1, Fundamentals
4 January 2008 - 02:16

Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the simultaneous exchange of 2 different currencies.
The purpose of Forex trading is clearly to make a profit by taking advantage of the movement of relative values of currencies.
The Forex market is active 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.
What Happens When You Invest in Currency?