Manage your money and control your expenses in an intelligent and organized way? Here’s how, with the 12 best personal finance apps of 2023.

If managing money and savings better and not getting lost among the numerous daily expenses is one of your good resolutions for the new year, the list of best personal finance apps for 2023 is the one for you.
We know it well: managing money, setting and achieving financial goals in the short or long term, keeping income and expenses under control is not always easy, but luckily technology helps us. Our smartphones and tablets can turn into excellent financial assistants thanks to the many personal finance applications available for iOS and Android. We have chosen 12 of them, all free, based on their functionality, ease of use and reliability, also taking into account the rating and opinions of the users who have downloaded them.
Whatever your needs, from being able to saving to buy a car to building an ideal investment portfolio, at least one of these money management apps will make your financial life that much easier. Check out the best personal finance apps to use in 2023.
1. monefy
This app for iOS and Android is one of the simplest and most intuitive to use thanks to its user-friendly interface and icons. To keep the expenses made under control, just add them, the platform takes care of the rest. Among the main functional characteristics of this personal finance app we find simple and clear graphs from which to obtain information, the possibility of customizing the categories, the use of the estimate mode, multi-account support and synchronization via Google account Drives and Dropboxes.
2. oval
Available for both iOS and Android, Oval works as a digital piggy bank thanks to which we can accumulate savings, monitor and control expenses, and invest. It is among the best personal finance apps of 2023.
This personal finance app allows you to set aside money every week based on your savings rules and habits and to grow it over time thanks to the investment products available. All the information is available within the app to make informed decisions about the financial products available to users.
For example, you can decide to set aside a sum every time your salary is credited, by setting the percentage, every time you publish a post on Facebook, or every time you reach a fitness goal, by connecting Oval to Google Fit .
In the section dedicated to investments, you can choose from a wide range of financial products and create the ideal investment portfolio by choosing the amount to invest each week. All in a few simple clicks.
Oval is an application designed to provide everyone with the tools to save according to their own rules, guarantee their savings growth over time thanks to investment products suitable for all budgets, pay smart and thus achieve all-round financial well-being .
To use it, you need an IBAN from a SEPA direct deposit account or card.
3. BudJet by Moneyfarm
BudJet is the Moneyfarm app for personal finance, the famous online financial advisory platform. Available on the App Store, thanks to a very simple and intuitive interface, it allows us to keep track of every cent that enters or leaves our wallet, showing us the state of our finances in easy-to-read graphs.
We can choose the monthly budget, i.e. how much to set aside each month and set spending limits for certain categories in which we want to spend less. To find the transactions made faster we can add notes and hashtags. Definitely one of the best personal finance apps of 2023.
4. Loot - Savings Piggy Bank
Available for iPhone and iPad, this app, specifically designed for those who want to save money, is very simple to use as well as fun: one of its peculiarities is the graphics of the jar of customizable 3D money where you can keep track of your savings goal and feel rewarded for every amount you put aside.
With Loot we can calculate how long it will take to reach our goal based on the amount we want to put aside and stay updated via push notifications.
5. Visual Budget
Visual Budget: expenses and budget developed by Kiwi Objects is an excellent tool for the management of family and business accounting, as it is simple to use but at the same time equipped with advanced analysis tools and grouping.
Several accounts can be managed simultaneously, grouping them into different groups. An income and expense scheme is created on the basis of a standard model which can be adapted to most situations.
We can assign a budget to each category and closely monitor income and expenses, and we can enter financial transactions manually or by importing CSV or OFX files. Through numerous bar or pie charts we are able to quickly view the breakdown of transactions, changes in the balance sheet, and monitor the budget. It is undoubtedly one of the best personal finance apps of 2023.
The only flaw is that the free version has a limit of transactions per account, equal to 10 on Android devices and 50 on iPhone. To have unlimited transactions you need to purchase the Premium version within the app.
6. N26 Spaces
The N26 mobile bank, among the players who are rewriting the bank-customer relationship, also acts as a money manager and is among the best personal finance apps of 2023.
Among its functions we find, in fact, Spaces. It is a sort of piggy bank divided into spaces on which to move money from the main account and thus set aside the savings. The spaces can be customized according to your savings goals and allow you to keep your expenses under control. N26 customers (free account) can open a maximum of two spaces, while Black and Metal customers up to 10 spaces.
7. Wallet - Personal finance
Wallet not only helps you plan your budget flexibly and monitor your expenses to keep the way you spend your money under control, but it also wants to be an ally for setting up and achieving long-term goals . Thanks to clear graphics and easy-to-understand overviews, the user always has useful information on the state of his finances, accounts and credit cards, cash and debts.
The app, available for Android and iPhone devices, is free but also includes subscription plans that offer more features.
8. Splitwise
Splitwise is also one of the best personal finance apps of 2023: for those who don’t know it, it’s an app that allows you to split expenses with other people and keep track of them. It is a very useful tool for those who share expenses and bills with roommates or in the case of a trip with friends.
Once you sign up and add people to a group, everyone can add the costs for their expenses and indicate whether the cost is to be divided equally or not. As expenses are added to the list, the app does the math automatically, so as to show everyone in the group if there are outstanding accounts, who owes money to whom, and how much the any debt to be paid. There is a premium version of the app (Splitwise Pro) which, at €2.99 a month or €29.99 a year, offers extra features such as receipt scanning, no advertising, graphs and charts and currency conversion, but the free version is already sufficiently complete with the most useful functions.
9. Buddy
Distinguished by the unmistakable piggy bank logo, Buddy - Budget and expenses is an app designed for iPad and iPhone that helps you save thanks to the possibility of setting a budget that suits your needs and to monitor outputs.
It can be used alone or shared with a partner or one’s family: just invite them to divide the expenses and have a precise picture of who spent how much and how to make ends meet. There is also the Premium version, but in its free version it does its job more than well.
10. MoneyStats - Income and Expenses
Available on the App Store for iPhone and iPad, MoneyStats is a good personal finance app thanks to its intuitive and simple interface and the many features it offers for managing and monitoring expenses .
Among other things, it allows you to manage financial transactions, create budgets, classify expenses into different groups, view finances in handy charts and graphs, get current and historical exchange rates, set savings goals, create account statements and income and recurring expenses. Among the best personal finance apps of 2023.
11. Gimme5
Gimme5 is the digital piggy bank that allows you to save and achieve your personal finance goals. Simply register to get started and you can start saving right away. By setting your own rules you can proceed at your own pace and keep an eye on your daily progress.
You can also invite friends and family to become your supporters. Once you have sent your request for support, they will be able to send you money to help you reach one of your financial goals.
12. Kakebo
Not sure where your money is going? The solution in this case is Kakebo, one of the best personal finance apps of 2023 that takes its name from the traditional Japanese savings method. Kakebo allows you to mark all the monthly expenses according to different categories (survival, optional, culture, etc.) in the appropriate section.
It is also possible to set your monthly availability and your fixed expenses, in order to have more clarity what the possible wastes are and to avoid them. Thanks to this app you will no longer need to write down your expenses on post-its (later regularly lost), but you will be able to keep everything comfortably on your smartphone in a perfectly organized manner.
Original article published on Italy 2022-12-26 11:45:02. Original title: Migliori app di finanza personale 2023