Who is Luigi Berlusconi, the life of the last son of Silvio, between career and family. Here’s how much he earns and what he does.

Luigi Berlusconi is the fifth and last child of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today after a long period of troubled health at the age of 86. Luigi, compared to his brothers, is less known to the cameras, but he has fully followed the family example by building a remarkable career. Let’s find out more about the Knight’s last born, here’s who Luigi Berlusconi is and how much he earns with his business.
Who is Luigi Berlusconi, the last son of the Knight: biography, work and private life
Luigi Berlusconi was born on September 27, 1988 in Arlesheim, Switzerland, to Silvio Berlusconi and his second wife, Veronica Lario. From the marriage with Veronica Lario, a well-known former Italian actress, Barbara and Eleonora Berlusconi were also born, respectively 4 and 2 years older than their brother Luigi.
Luigi Berlusconi then has two other brothers (unilateral), the fruit of his father’s first marriage to Carla Elvira Lucia Dall’Oglio. These are Marina and Pier Silvio Berlusconi. Although much less accustomed to the media than the rest of the family, Luigi also works in the various family businesses, especially with regard to startup.
In fact, the youngest has behind him a degree in Economics, obtained at the Bocconi University of Milan after graduating from the Villoresi College of Monza, and a postgraduate specialization in Finance acquired at the Jp Morgan of London . Among the various activities that engage him, Luigi is also president of a non-profit organization he founded. It is the Opsis, from the Greek "look".
In addition to having undertaken the entrepreneurial activity, Luigi Berlusconi has not neglected his private life. In 2020 he married Federica Fumagalli, also a Bocconi graduate but in the Faculty of Law and currently employed at Mb Projects, a company that deals with organizing events and digital strategy.
Two children were born to the couple, Emanuele Silvio born in July 2021 and their second son Tommaso Fabio, born in October 2022. Privately, not much else is known about their life, given that the youngest Berlusconi has always kept a certain margin of confidentiality. Even the Onlus Opsis has remained unknown to most for a long time, so much so that it doesn’t even have a website.
Luigi Berlusconi has in fact preferred to keep this foundation confidential, even though it is his first entirely personal initiative. According to the declarations of the founder, Opsis is aimed at social solidarity in Lombardy and at charity.
How much Luigi Berlusconi earns, career and legacy on the way
At the age of 34, Luigi Berlusconi can look back on a respectable career, having easily kept up with the rest of the family. Among the most important points of his career path:
- From 2007 to December 2015 he was a member of the Board of Directors of Mediolanum S.p.A. (listed on the Milan Stock Exchange);
- from July 2016 to March 2018 he was Director of Banca Mediolanum S.p.A. (also listed on the Milan Stock Exchange);
- since November 2012 he has been sole director of B cinque S.r.l.;
- since February 2014 he has been Chairman of the Board of Holding Italiana Quattordicesima S.p.A. (of which he was also managing director for financial management);
- from 2010 to 2012 he was a member of the Board of Directors of MolMed S.p.A., listed on the Milan Stock Exchange;
- in June 2012 he became a director of Fininvest.
Among the activities mentioned, Fininvest undoubtedly takes on important importance, one of the flagships of the Berlusconi family, which on the basis of 2019 dividends yielded Luigi 7 million euros. Indeed, Luigi Berlusconi’s share of the company is worth around 95 million euros, like that of his sisters Barbara and Eleonora. With the death of Silvio Berlusconi (if the inheritance is divided equally between the brothers), however, the latter could acquire a majority position compared to the brothers Pier SIlvio and Marina, who currently lead Fininvest and Mediaset.
It is not easy to completely trace the hereditary assets of the Knight, but certainly Fininvest with its investments in three listed companies of 2.8 billion euros, represents an important component. Then there are, among others, the real estate holdings (including Villa Gernetto, where Monza holds retreats), Alba Servizi Aerotrasporti, Mondadori and all the unlisted Fininvest companies, the houses of family and the real estate holding company Dolcedrago. For the moment, however, it is not known how the division of the inheritance will take place, but it is certain that Luigi too, like his other children, will considerably increase his assets.
Original article published on Money.it Italy 2023-06-12 20:45:04. Original title: Luigi Berlusconi, chi è (e quanto guadagna) l’ultimo figlio del Cavaliere